首页 > 石英石生产线 > 干式生产石英砂设备


石英砂机械|石英砂生产线|石英砂设备 - 恒安重工

所在地:广西柳州市 商铺地址:柳州天创磁力设备制造有限公司 有效期:2013-05-10处理能力(m3/h)12-16 电动机型号摆线针式电动机功率(kw)2.2 种类永磁磁选机加工定制否重量(t)4 别名水选机磁系辊式磁选机给矿方式上部给矿磁选机品牌天创用途石英砂干式磁选机磁场强度强磁磁选机外形尺寸(mm)2100 1890 2300 干湿类型湿式除铁机 本机主要功能及特点:(一)、本机用于选别0~6mm粒级的磁性矿物,在以磁选可行性的基础上,通过单筒永磁筒式除铁质,强磁辊式选别形式的设计,对弱磁性矿物进行选别。本机根据磁性产品与给入的被选矿物的运动方向归为顺流式结构,整机具有处理能力大,分选矿物粒级范围宽、分离精度高,适用于中粒弱磁性矿石的粗选和精选。本机出矿品位为精矿、尾矿两个等级。(二)、本机采用永磁磁系多级选别设计、工作稳定、精矿品位能使处理量大时同样得以保证。(三)、本机整机结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻,效率高,耗电少、并且十分有利于维护和检修。(四)、本机传动原理也十分简单,操作便捷简单,同时工作效率也很高。褐铁矿磁选机锰矿磁选机其他磁选机150012001000185000165000135000(六)、本机融入较高的电气控制技术,使生产操作便捷易懂,在提高工作效率的同时减轻操作者的劳动强度。(七)、本机分选斗中设有可调节分隔板,主体槽、导料槽、分隔板均采用高耐磨不锈钢材料制造,能有效的保证机器使用寿命,同时避免铁锈影响矿物品位的可能;分隔板能进行灵活调节和快速固定,对生产过程中矿位品质的保证起着很大作用。

磁选设备-供应超强 干式磁选机 石英砂磁选机 天创制造


磁选设备-石英砂干式Mining machinery 天创制造(图)

(八)、选用电磁调速电机提供动力,确保电机使用寿命与机械传动功率;实现矿选速度可调,可对多阶段矿性进行分选。(九)、选用进的刷式脱矿技术,能实现矿料快速脱离避免先后磁聚叠加跑矿现象,确保矿选的充分性和处理量的稳定性。Magnetic ore separator Suitable: Manganese ore red (brown) iron ore chromite zirconium pomegranate frigidite, the green pillar and so on weak attractive mineral s separation depuration and the quartz feldspar and so on nonmetallic material eliminates the iron. This machines and tools have the type to be light, magnetic force, consumes the electricity to be low, stable property, serviceability broad and so on merits. The complete set manganese ore enrichment plant is the present domestic and foreign performance is good, technological advance depuration dressing mechanical device. The simplicity of operator maintenance is convenient, easy to control, to gives the ore granularity, the density and the personal status fluctuation compatibility strong and so on merits. But the thorough jettisoning impurity enhances the manganese ore personal status large scale, is the manganese ore processing factory and the mine enterprise s best investment plan! 13507726005 LanYaochunWWW.TCCL.CNas well as provides the debris waste residue the machinery and selection technologymanganese ore magnetic ore separator s use: The manganese ore permanent magnetism roller belt type strong magnetic field high gradient magnetic ore separator, other names for the dry strong magnetic separation mechanical device, the manganese powdered ore intensive processing depuration dressing mechanical device, magnetism source use the high performance permanent magnetism material rare earth neodymium iron boron, becomes with the high tech method accumulation combination, the equipment has the magnetic field strength to be high, the gradient is big, the electricity consumption are few, stable property, serviceability broad and so on merits. This series equipment uses in the poor manganese ore the magnetic separation, can disposable be smaller than the granularity 5 millimeters poor manganese ores concentrates, enhances the manganese 5-18 personal statuses, solved over the years the poor manganese ore not to be able well to enter stove smelting, to sell a difficult major problem. After manganese ore Confucian classics carved on stone magnetic separation depuration, can have the quite considerable economic efficiency. The manganese ore magnetic ore separator is the manganese ore processing factory and the mine enterprise s best investment plan, the investment rate of return is extremely high. The manganese ore magnetic ore separator may also use in mineral and so on limonite, rutile, niobium tantalum ore separation depuration. 兰耀春先生 在线留言 柳州天创磁力设备制造有限公司电话:86-0772-5399008手机:传真:86-0772-2631711邮编:545007公司地址:中国 广西 柳州市 柳邕路354号公司主页: 本页信息为柳州天创磁力设备制造有限公司为您提供的“石英砂干式磁选机(图) 钠钾长石 天创磁力”产品信息,如您想了解更多关于“石英砂干式磁选机(图) 钠钾长石 天创磁力”价格、型号、厂家,请联系厂家,或给厂家留言。联系供应商 在线留言 友情提醒: 建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质及产品质量,过低的价格有可能是虚假信息,请谨慎对待,谨防欺诈行为。


当前位置:首页 > 常见问题 > 石英砂机械|石英砂生产线|石英砂设备 石英砂机械|石英砂生产线|石英砂设备文章作者:anheng / 发表时间:2011-12-30 / 点击: 次 恒安重工生产的石英砂生产线包括颚式破碎机、振动筛、洗砂机、球磨机、振动给料机等设备组成,客户在选购的过程之中可以根据自己的实际需求或者对物料的要求以及场地的限制来选择适合自己的设备组合。石英砂生产线流程介绍: 石英砂原料通过破碎机器进行一次粗破,然后把得到的粗料在通过细碎机进行一次细破,从而满足后续设备的粒度要求。石料细碎以后通过振动筛的筛分之后,选择更加合适的粒度的石子通过制砂机进行制砂,把不满足的石料再返回到细碎中,进行细碎直至满足合适的粒度要求。通过制砂机的石子出来以后,再通过洗砂机的清洗制成成品的砂,不符合要求的砂石再做另外的破碎处理。



